Bike tour of D&R Canal to offer historic overview


The Delaware & Raritan Canal Watch will hold a free history tour by bicycle along the D&R Canal towpath on May 19 from Kingston to Griggstown and back.

Cyclists will meet 10 a.m. at the lock tender’s house in Kingston, located off Route 27 just north of the bridge over the Millstone River, for the 10-mile round-trip ride.

Canal Watch board member Bob Barth will conduct the ride, which will stop at historic canal structures, such as locks, spillways and canal houses. He will explain why the D&R was one of the most successful canals in the United States.

Helmets are required and cyclists are advised to bring water.

For more information and weather-related updates, contact Barth at 201-401-3121 or [email protected].

The nonprofit D&R Canal Watch helps promote, enhance and preserve the Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park.