Pallone recognizes outstanding high school students

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-Middlesex, Monmouth) announced this year’s U.S. Service Academy nominees and the winners of the 2018 Sixth Congressional District High School Arts Competition at a Congressional Awards Ceremony held at Rutgers University.

The U.S. Service Academy nominees are:

  • U.S. Air Force Academy: Jessica Carvalho of Woodbridge High School; Caelan Johnson of Metuchen High School; Kevyn Martinez of St. Joseph High School in Metuchen; Matthew Sternesky of Colonia High School; Agustin Sullivan of Bishop George Ahr High School in Edison; Cristian Sullivan of Bishop George Ahr High School; and Mehr Tamboly of John P. Stevens High School in Edison.
  • U.S. Naval Academy: Roy Brown of Woodbridge High School; Tajira P. Harmon of J.P. Stevens High School; and Anthony LeSaux of St. Joseph High School.
  • U.S. Military Academy at West Point: Benjamin Daniels of Edison High School; John Piccinic of Colonia High School; Shelby Piccinic of Colonia High School; Cristian Sullivan of Bishop George Ahr High School; and Mehr Tamboly of J.P. Stevens High School.
  • U.S. Merchant Marine Academy: Allison Aitken of Monroe Township High School; Austin Aitken of Monroe Township High School; and Matthew Sternesky of Colonia High School.

Young artists from various schools in Middlesex and Monmouth counties participated in this year’s art competition, which is part of the nationwide program known as “An Artistic Discovery.” Local judges chose first, second and third place winners, and also awarded 15 honorable mentions. The first place winner, Imani Sylvain, will have her artwork displayed for the next year in the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

Honorable mentions: Rebecca de Araujo of Edison High School; Kevin Ge of J.P. Stevens High School and Daisy Saavedra of Edison High School.