Spotswood Office on Aging will hold Franklin Roosevelt presentation

The Spotswood Office on Aging and Senior Resource Center will sponsor “Franklin Delano Roosevelt: An Arsenal for Democracy” presentation at noon on May 15 at the office, 1 Arlington Ave., Spotswood.

The presentation will go back to Dec. 29, 1940, after Roosevelt had been reelected to an unprecedented third term in office. Roosevelt will be portrayed by professional actor and educator, Neill Hartley.

The presentation is open to Spotswood residents age 55 and over. Non-residents, age 55 and over, may attend as a guest of a Spotswood resident.

The presentation was made possible through a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities as part of its Public Scholars Project.

For more information, call Beth Blatt at 732-251-3432 or email [email protected].