South Brunswick Library celebrates 50th anniversary with flagpole dedication

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – The South Brunswick Public Library (SBPL) recognized its 50th anniversary with a dignified dedication followed by a festive celebration befitting such a hallmark.

After opening remarks on the front lawn by Library Director Chris Carbone on April 29, the dedication of a flagpole began in the name of South Brunswick’s longest-serving mayor Frank Gambatese, who passed away a little over a year ago, complete with a cast aluminum plaque mounted on quarry stone donated by Trap Rock Industries LLC, according to information provided by th SBPL.

A moment of silence later honored Gambatese, recently deceased Mayor Chris Killmurray, and veterans who never made it home.

Rev. Charles T. O’Connor, pastor of St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Monmouth Jct., offered a blessing for the occasion and recalled his fond memories of the library and the two past mayors remembered during the ceremony. Newly appointed Mayor Charles Carley addressed the crowd of about 120, recalling a baseball story about Gambatese and himself, according to the statement.

The flag ceremony included Gambatese’s son Franc and daughters Rosemary and Maryanne, and was led by American Legion Post 401 and VFW Post 9111.

Choral singers from the South Brunswick High School Concert Choir sang patriotic songs for the occasion.

After the ceremony, the public was invited inside the library. Children celebrated in the traditional birthday style with a variety of sweet treats, games, singing and even a time capsule.