Millstone officials plan for upgrades at recreational facilities

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has introduced an ordinance that will, if adopted, provide $250,000 for improvements to recreation facilities in Millstone Township.

A public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for 8 p.m. June 6 at the municipal meeting room, 215 Millstone Road. Committee members may adopt the ordinance that evening.

According to the ordinance, the improvements will include, but are not limited to improvements to the tennis courts and the basketball court at Rocky Brook Park. The $250,000 to be used for the improvements will come from the Recreation Trust Fund.

Mayor Gary Dorfman, Deputy Mayor Nancy Grbelja and committeemen Bob Kinsey and Michael Kuczinski voted to introduce the ordinance. Committeeman Fiore Masci was absent.

In other action, officials authorized a $64,314 increase in the amount of a contract for a project to improve the township’s roads. The change order is in a contract with Meco Inc. for the 2017 road improvement program. The contract was amended from $511,565 to $575,879.

The road improvement program for 2017 included, but was not limited to upgrades to Pine Drive, Old Noah Hunt Road from Pine Drive to Joan Drive, Deer Trail Drive, Gravatt Circle, a portion of Agress Road, and various drainage and pavement repairs.

The change order was authorized, according to the resolution, due to built quantities and additional work at township officials’ request, including milling, paving and drainage improvements on Millstone Road, Hickory Drive, Cheryl Lane and Lost Road, and fuel and asphalt price adjustments.

And, committee members authorized a $22,038 change order relating to the first phase of work at Millstone Park, a 186-acre recreation facility being developed on Red Valley Road. Meco Inc. is providing site work and grading.

The change order, an increase, was authorized as a result of additional changes to storm water detention basins, electrical service for field lighting, removal of an existing two-car garage and changes to street lights, according to a resolution.

In 2016, a $3.42 million contract was awarded to Meco. Three change orders approved in 2017 reduced the contract. The change order that was approved this month represents an increase and revised the contract to $3.4 million, a figure which remains below the original contract.

According to municipal officials, the first phase of development at Millstone Park will involve site work and grading, the construction of a park building and the installation of lighting on three general purpose fields.

The committee awarded a $497,000 contract to JNP Excavating for the construction of the park building. Officials subsequently authorized a change order with JNP Excavating which increased the contract to its current amount, $506,000. And, committee members awarded a $532,000 contract to Quality Electrical for the installation of lighting on the three playing fields.