South River police launch special needs registry program

SOUTH RIVER – Striving to better help residents who have mental and physical disabilities, the South River Police Department has launched the South River Special Needs Registry.

“Basically, the goal of the Special Needs Registry is to ensure that all South River residents who may be in need of special assistance are able to get the help and the support they need in a time of emergency during interactions with law enforcement, fire [officials] or EMS (Emergency Medical Services),” South River Police Sgt. Edwin Yorek said.

Lt. Robert Maclosky, Patrolman Wesley Sanches and Yorek explained the new program on May 14 during the South River Borough Council meeting.

Yorek said the idea came from a resident who alerted police of other towns that have a similar registry for people who have a disability.

“We started to research it and it seemed like a great program and a perfect fit for us, but we had to customize it for our small little town, because that is what we like to do, we like to customize things for our residents,” Yorek said.

The registry is a voluntary service available to individuals who have physical or mental impairments and who reside in, attend school in, or are employed in South River. The registry provides first responders with information such as the registrant’s name, address, date of birth, height, weight, their emergency contact information, some details about their special needs and a recent photo, according to Yorek.

The registrant may elect to provide additional information such as prescribed medications, medical conditions, places frequented, methods of communication, calming methods, triggering conditions and contact information for their treating physicians, according to Yorek.

“Especially with caretakers, elderly people with caretakers, they may not necessarily have a diagnosed medical condition, but if they can’t take care of themselves … we have their name and their information and we can get them the help they need,” he said.

Each person who signs up with the registry will be provided with two window decals. One decal can be placed on the front entrance of the registrant’s home and one decal can be place on the window of any vehicle in which they regularly travel.

The presence of the decal indicates a person has some degree of special needs and that responders should respond accordingly. The use of the decal is voluntary, according to information provided by the police department.

All information provided on the registry will remain confidential and will only be used by first responders during times of emergency, according to Yorek.

“An emergency can best be defined as any event that requires a response, immediate or otherwise, by law enforcement or other first responders. Examples of an emergency include, but are not limited to medical emergencies, natural disasters, fires, evacuations or a crime in process,” Sanches said.

Registrants can complete an online application via the police department’s secure website, according to Yorek. There is no cost to register. For more information, call 732-238-1000 or email [email protected].

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].