North Brunswick teen is world champion tumbler

Michael Malvone was selected as the Scholar/Athlete/Artist of the Month for May as per the North Brunswick Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services.

Michael is a senior at Bishop George Ahr High School in Edison, where he is in the Honors Program with a 4.7 GPA. He is a Distinguished Honors High Honor Roll student and is currently taking five Advanced Placement classes, according to information read during his proclamation at the May 7 North Brunswick Township Council meeting.

Michael was inducted into the National Honor Society, the Math Honor Society, the Science Honor Society and the Latin Honor Society at Bishop Ahr. He is the president of the Latin Honor Society and is the highest achieving Latin student at the school, according to the proclamation. He is also a member of the science club.

Michael was chosen to be a member of Ahr Choice, a group of students with leadership qualities, a positive platform against drugs and alcohol, the ability to be excellent role models and moral values, according to the proclamation.

He plays the mallets in the school band, is a student ambassador and a member of the Christian Social Action Club. He was selected among thousands of students across the United States to be a Questbridge Scholar, according to the proclamation.

Michael trains for trampoline and power tumbling where he has been named a national and international/world competitor. He has competed for 10 years at the local, state, regional and national levels and was state champion as well as regional champion multiple times, according to the proclamation.

He has also placed in the top three consistently at the national level. In 2017, Michael earned a spot to compete at the World Age Group Championship in Sofia, Bulgaria, representing Team USA.

He is also a trampoline and tumbling judge at the local, state and regional level.

He also participated in Little League baseball and soccer in North Brunswick.

Michael participates in several volunteer projects including the Ahr Star Dinner, a dinner that benefits two children and their families who suffer from medical conditions in the community, and the GOTV (Get Out the Vote) campaign.

Michael will attend Princeton University in the fall.