Monroe teacher honored by Daughters of the American Revolution

Jersey Blue member Christine Viszoki of Monroe received the 2018 Outstanding History Teacher of the Year Award from the New Jersey State Society, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NJDAR).  

The Outstanding History Teacher award is the highest honor awarded by NJDAR, for a full-time teacher of American history and related fields in public, private and parochial schools grades 5-12, according to information provided by NJDAR.

Viszoki has taught American history in the Monroe Township School District since 1994. She was instrumental in writing the first, grade-level American history curriculum and subsequent updates that ensured alignment to the N.J. Core Curriculum Content Standards for her school district, according to the statement.

As of 2017, seven of her former students are colleagues with her at Monroe Township Middle School, according to the statement.

She currently serves as vice regent for the Jersey Blue Chapter, and senior president for the Col. John Neilson Society, sponsored by the chapter and in which her three children are active participants.