Why do you think “Designated Survivor” was killed?

Question: Designated Survivor was appointment TV for us—I say was, because we never watched it again after the winter hiatus. Seeing that it didn’t get renewed, what do you think was the primary cause of death? The long hiatus, the first lady’s death, or the constant churn behind the scenes? —Unsigned

Matt Roush: My own take on Designated Survivor was that soon after its gripping pilot episode, the show never really figured out what it wanted to be: a political procedural, a conspiracy thriller, a family drama. The elements didn’t mesh easily—or worse, authentically—and I never felt the series truly lived up to its intriguing premise of an unlikely leader rebuilding a government after a horrific attack. ABC’s decision to put the show on ice for so long didn’t help, and killing the first lady seemed a needless tragedy and a desperate call for attention. So I’d think all of those elements, along with disappointing second-season ratings, led ABC to conclude there wasn’t much growth potential here. I can’t disagree.

Question: Why does Kiefer Sutherland whisper so much? —H.M.
Matt Roush: On the bright side, you won’t have to put it with it any more. I always felt Kiefer Sutherland’s quiet intensity worked well for Jack Bauer. For a commander in chief, maybe not so much.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com.