After reading the recent Your Turn guest column, “Begone, single-use plastic bags!” by Michele S. Byers, the executive director of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, a question immediately came to mind: Would Ms. Byers be as passionate on saving unborn babies as she was for saving the world from plastic shopping bags? Somehow I have a feeling my answer would be no.
The next question, how about assisted suicide, euphemistically called “death with dignity.” Currently, these states have passed such a law: California (of course, but a judge, two weeks ago, blocked it for the time being), Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. The only one of these that surprises me a bit is Montana.
It is sad that Ms. Byers has taken on the fight to rid the world of plastic bags when her passion could be put to so much better use, arguing for the lives of the unborn and the elderly and infirm.
Jacquelin Duffy