East Windsor officials say ‘thanks’ to students who serve on municipal boards

Rishab Solanki volunteered to serve on the East Windsor Township Environmental Commission because he wants to share his ideas about the environment with others who are passionate about it as he is.

“We have a voice and we can change the community,” said Rishab, a Hightstown High School junior who is completing his second year on the Environmental Commission as a student member.

Ali Husani, a Hightstown High School senior, said he volunteered to serve as a student member on the Economic Development Committee because he wants to play a role in helping to attract more businesses to East Windsor.

Rishab and Ali were among the 20 high school students who were recently honored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and the Township Council. Each student received a mayoral proclamation acknowledging their service on an advisory board or committee.

The student volunteers serve on East Windsor’s Commission on Aging, Clean Communities Committee, Economic Development Committee, Environmental Commission and Green Team, Health Advisory Board and Recreation Commission.

“The notion of volunteering is basic in our society and in our nation,” Mironov said. East Windsor depends on its volunteers, whether it is participating in stream cleanup projects or helping out at the Community Garden, she said.

“There are many opportunities in many places to volunteer. We think our program (to involve student members on the advisory boards and committees) is pretty special,” the mayor said.

The goal of the program is to encourage young people to get involved and to learn how government works, Mironov said. It is a “really great program,” she said, adding that students also have a chance to meet and to get to know local government officials.

The students can share their ideas with government officials and also inject new ideas and perspectives on the boards and committees, she said. The township is fortunate the students step forward and are willing to serve, she said.

“It is really tremendously rewarding and a lot of fun to get to know the students. We want to let them know we appreciate their participation,” Mironov said.

While some of the students will be graduating and going to college, Mironov encouraged them to become involved in the community wherever they are attending college.