Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs event deemed successful

OLD BRIDGE – Thirty fourth grade students from Old Bridge’s public and parochial schools enjoyed a fun-filled day focusing on how to use use fishing and other positive activities to stay drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-free during the Old Bridge Municipal Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse (MAPSA)-sponsored Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs (HOFNOD) event.

The students were awarded fishing poles, donated by the Old Bridge Elks, which they used at Cheesequake State Park on June 9.

“I cannot thank Matt Mercurio and Lisa Valsera enough for their support and work to get Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs Day at Cheesequake Park underway while I was on medical leave,” Municipal Alliance Coordinator Karen Tortorici said in a prepared statement. “My co-workers at Parks and Recreation, Old Bridge Police, Old Bridge Public Schools, HOFNOD fisherman, HOFNOD volunteers, Municipal Alliance volunteers, CERT volunteers, Old Bridge Elks, state park staff, community businesses, parents and friends all pitched in to give our fourth grade contest winners a wonderful day at the park. It only goes to show what a great town we live in, that we come together to support each other time after time. The children were not disappointed and I am sincerely grateful.”

“I congratulate all the contest winners on the phenomenal drawings and slogans created,” Mayor Owen Henry said in the statement. “I also want to give my sincere gratitude to everyone who worked hard on making this event possible for our children.”