Service professionals advocate for students in Sayreville

SAYREVILLE – Service professionals from the Sayreville School District have been recognized for their accomplishments during the past school year.

The 2017-18 Education Support Services Professionals of the Year were honored at a Board of Education meeting on May 1.

At Emma Arleth Elementary School, the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is Kara Schlaline.

“[Schlaline] is just such an incredible advocate for the students at Arleth and is always helping to support them, always working for them, visiting their classroom, making sure they have everything they need, and is also just always there whenever you have a question or need a helping hand,” Principal Robert Preston said.

At Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School, the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is Regina Howard.

“She has quickly left a mark on our school as just an amazing resource for not only our students in teaching and reading, but for all of our staff,” Principal Scott Nurnberger said. “I’ve learned a lot personally from her as well. Just an amazing resource, an amazing person. So we’re very lucky to have her.”

At Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is Pamela Schleck.

“Definitely an advocate for the children, Pam is our bus monitor,” Principal Carmen Davis said. “She’s created a wonderful template for our children so that they can make good choices on the bus. She’s been known to ride a bus and I’ve gotten loads of phone calls [asking] why is a teacher riding on the bus? It’s a wonderful experience to have Pam in our family. She does so much, always that extra, never says no, school improvement committee, critical friend to the principal – and you know as principals, we always need to be surrounded by critical friends and people [who] help us, shape us and tell us what’s broken and what needs to be fixed.”

At Samsel Upper Elementary School (SUES), the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is Alexandra DeCicco.

“Alex, what you do for your students, the teachers, [is] just amazing,” Principal Stacey Coglianese said. “You’re reliable, you’re consistent, if you don’t know an answer, you go find it [and] you come back. The way you have served our Sayreville community and the SUES students, we are very thankful and very proud to call you our [educational support service professional].

At Sayreville Middle School, the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is David Fischer.

“Mr. Fischer started off in our district in 2005 as the counselor for our newly-implanted Achieve program at that time,” Principal Donna Jakubik said. “With that program changing into a special education program, Mr. Fischer then moved into the role as a regular guidance counselor. That was a big difference for Mr. Fischer. It was a change. And he’s done a dynamite job. He’s absolutely terrific and a great asset to our school. So we thank Mr. Fischer very much.”

At Sayreville War Memorial High School, the Education Support Services Professional of the Year is Kristin Hartnett.

“Kristin in the child study team is absolutely one of the leaders,” Vice Principal Richard Gluchowski said. “Absolutely phenomenal in what you [Hartnett] do. Most recently, we worked together on a number of cases and she has this big, enormous heart. And she deserves to get the award tonight.”

“If you have a chance to work with Kristin at the high school, you will know she is a fierce advocate for children who need a loving but firm nudge towards independence, as she helps our young adults transition into adult living,” Director of Special Services David Knaster said. “We’ve had many spirited conversations over what’s necessary and we can count on Kristin to make sure that she prepares our kids for post-high school life.”