Photo by Lea Kahn

Class of 1968 commemorates five decades as Lawrence High School’s first graduates

It was the year of mini-skirts, psychedelic music, the debut of the first Big Mac and the Class of 1968, the first graduating class of the newly opened Lawrence High School.

Five decades later, 11 members of the Lawrence High School Class of 1968 marched onto the center court at the Cure Insurance Arena Wednesday night, ahead of the Class of 2018 at the annual graduation ceremony.

It was Lawrence High School Principal David Adam’s brainstorm to include the Class of 1968 in the Class of 2018’s graduation ceremony, along with help from class adviser Jeff Verga and secretary Kerry Roche.

The decision to include the first graduating class came out of discussions about the 50th anniversary of Lawrence High School, Adam said. Until it opened, students attended Trenton High School or Princeton High School, depending on where they lived in the township.

“We thought it would be a nice way to honor the Class of 1968’s 50th anniversary and to continue the connection with our Lawrence alumni,” Adam said.

Steve Groeger, who belongs to the Class of 1968 and still lives in Lawrence Township, agreed. The Class of 1968’s 50th anniversary is “pretty significant,” especially since it was the first class to graduate from the high school, he said.

“I think it is important to make a connection with the Class of 2018. It is a much different world socially, politically and economically, but it is still one big circle,” Groeger said.

Helen DeLorenzo, who traveled from Jackson Township to participate in the graduation ceremony, said that her high school years were “the greatest.”

“I made friends with the girls and we still keep up. My memories were so great. I always felt like a part of Lawrence High School,” DeLorenzo said.