Freehold Township officials authorize capital improvements

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Municipal officials have taken action to complete improvements in Freehold Township.

On June 25, the Township Committee adopted an ordinance that will authorize various capital improvements and appropriate $5.79 million for that purpose.

Officials said $5.18 million in bonds or notes will be issued to help finance the improvements. Freehold Township will use a $350,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) and make a down payment of $259,000 to cover the balance of the costs.

The improvements are as follows:

• $4.39 million for road improvements including, but not limited to, bituminous concrete overlay at various roads, design reconstruction of Robertsville Road and Silvers Road, and the overlay of Double Creek Parkway. The $350,000 DOT grant will be dedicated toward these improvements.

• $695,000 for recreation improvements including, but not limited to, renovations to the splash pad at Michael J. Tighe Park, resurfacing of various courts, replacement of bleachers and water fountains, electricity at the volleyball pavilion at Michael J. Tighe Park for Freehold Township Day, improvements to park structures, irrigation improvements at various parks, renovations to dugouts and ballfields at various parks, and a camp shed and bulk storage area and a maintenance shop parking area at Michael J. Tighe Park.

• $395,000 for municipal building improvements including, but not limited to, steps, ramps, fountains and landscaping, renovations to the Freehold Township Police Department processing room, and the paving of the parking area for the Department of Public Works.

• $123,000 for the purchase of vehicles and equipment including, but not limited to, a tractor-trailer, golf carts, a top dresser leveler for fields, and an equipment sign board and trailer.

• $120,000 for improvements at the planned Henderson Park, adjacent to the Route 33 bypass, for the Freehold Township Historic Commission.

• $50,000 for the purchase of equipment including, but not limited to, the acquisition of computers and a document imaging server/jukebox.

• $18,000 for underground storage tank remediation at the Department of Public Works complex.

In other business, the committee adopted an ordinance that will appropriate $260,000 from Freehold Township’s water and sewer utility capital improvement fund for improvements to Well No. 15, valve replacements, and grinder cartridges for pump stations.

And, the committee adopted an ordinance that will appropriate $12,000 from the township’s capital fund reserve for historic preservation for the Oakley farmstead barns painting project.