East Brunswick Board of Education appoints new member

EAST BRUNSWICK – With a unanimous vote, the East Brunswick School District Board of Education has appointed Mark Csizmar as its newest member.

On April 20, Robert Cancro stepped down from the panel, creating a vacancy on the board.

Qualified, interested residents were invited to apply for the open position. Board members reviewed all applicant submissions and selected those who were interviewed, according to a board agenda.

On June 6, board members interviewed candidates for the vacancy. The interviews were conducted in public, according to board President Todd Simmens. The board appointed Csizmar on June 14.

The district received six applications for the position on the board, Business Administrator Bernardo Giuliana said. He said Csizmar and Erum Shakir were the two candidates who were interviewed for the position.

Simmens said the new member’s duties will be “to actively participate in the oversight of the school district, particularly in areas of finance, policy, superintendent relations, curriculum and student services. The new board member will have the opportunity to fill vacancies on some board committees.”

Csizmar’s appointment is for the remainder of the year. He can choose to run for the remainder of the unexpired term he is filling or for a full three-year term in the November school election, according to Simmens.