HOPEWELL: Your intolerance is showing, Mayor Kuchinski

To the editor:

Another Hopewell Township Committee meeting, another opportunity for Mayor Kevin Kuchinski to show the true nature of his intolerance to public questions and accountability.

Mayor Kuchinski’s latest display of disdain for the public was as petty as they come. A question was asked that required a simple yes or no answer as to whether documents that were mentioned in an ordinance, which was introduced at the regular township committee meeting on Monday, June 25 actually existed. Yes or no.

Mayor Kuchinski chose the path of least information: “Make an OPRA (Open Public Meetings Act) request and we’ll find out,” he announced.

Really? Mayor Kuchinski wanted a written, formally-submitted information request to the municipal clerk rather than answer a simple yes or no question pertaining to documents that were described in the body of the ordinance as having been “submitted to the mayor.”

Either Mayor Kuchinski actually received the documents, which were said to be “submitted” to him or he did not receive the documents, which were said to be “submitted” to him. Surely he knows whether the documents actually exist. Yes or no.

Meanwhile, Mayor Kuchinski’s political majority sat in conspicuous silence as he showed himself, once again, to be an embarrassment to the township, similar to this past February 26 when he yelled “bull****” from the dais.

Mayor Kuchinski has shown that he has neither the temperament nor the interest in public accountability to serve on the township committee, much less act as its chair as mayor.

Perhaps, Mayor Kuchinski was absent from school on the day that they taught that elected officials work for the people.

Harvey Lester
