Jamesburg council OKs ordinances to fund infrastructure improvements

JAMESBURG – The Borough Council adopted three ordinances to authorize funding for infrastructure improvements, sewer equipment and police gear.

Council members took the action on June 20.

One ordinance authorizes Jamesburg to provide $60,000 to fund sewer equipment and infrastructure improvements. Borough Administrator Scott Frueh said the borough’s sewer jet machine was purchased in 2000 and the borough is replacing it with a newer model.

“We currently have no major infrastructure issues at this time, however, we [made] the ordinance cover more items that may be needed depending on how much the sewer jet machine is so that if something came up we have something in place already,” he said. “We also have the use of two Community Development Block Grants, which we used for infrastructure issues as well.”

The ordinance is being funded out of the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund or the Capital Improvement Fund, as appropriate, according to Frueh.

A second ordinance will provide $45,000 to fund police equipment. Frueh said the police department will purchase a new sport utility vehicle

Frueh said he and Police Chief James Craparotta “have worked together (on) various portions of the budget, this being one of them. I am constantly working on the next budget as soon as the current budget is adopted and approved. Most times I get with [Craparotta] at the end of the year to start the process and finish in the current year to finish it based on their needs. I do this as well with the other departments.”

The third ordinance will provide $30,000 to be used for various equipment and infrastructure improvements. Frueh said officials will be updating and upgrading the telephone system at Borough Hall.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].