Marlboro school board seeks payment from parents

MARLBORO – The Marlboro K-8 School District Board of Education is directing an unnamed family to pay $73,334 to cover the costs associated with educating three children who unlawfully attended school in the district during the 2017-18 school year.

The decision was made after a residency hearing involving the board’s Residency Committee and the family on June 12.

The hearing resulted in the Residency Committee recommending that the board remove the three students from district schools at the end of the 2017-18 school year because its investigation revealed the students and their mother were not domiciled in Marlboro.

Action was taken on the matter at the board’s June 19 meeting when board members unanimously passed a resolution requiring the family to pay the costs associated with improperly sending the children to Marlboro’s schools.

The resolution states that “the board assesses tuition for the total period of the students’ ineligible attendance in the district, which for the 2017-18 school year through the date of the board’s action totals $73,334 for any tuition which may accrue beyond that date as well as the costs for any associated related services.”

Asked how school district personnel monitor student residency, the board’s attorney, Marc Zitomer, said, “The board closely monitors the residency of its students in order to ensure the students it is educating have a legal entitlement to attend school in the district. There is not one particular person who monitors pupil residency, but it is a team effort among all staff.”

Business Administrator Cindy Barr-Rague said administrators are unable to provide more information about the issue that was before the board on June 19 because it is currently a legal matter.