School board meetings will continue to be available on municipal website

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has renewed a shared services agreement with the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education that will continue to allow the board’s meetings to appear online during the 2018-19 school year.

On June 20, committee members authorized a shared services agreement that permits school board meetings to be uploaded on the township’s website. According to the resolution, school board members have a need for their meetings to be uploaded and converted to the township’s website to allow residents to view the meetings on a computer.

The agreement will be effective from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. The board will be charged at a cost up to $35 for each board meeting video uploaded.

The 2018-19 school year will be the second year school board meetings will be uploaded onto Millstone Township’s website. The meetings may be viewed at

In other business on June 20, committee members rescinded a resolution from June 6 that appointed a part-time municipal court administrator.

According to the June 20 resolution, the appointment of a part-time municipal court administrator was based on an interview held by the Monmouth County Municipal Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey with Millstone Township Municipal Court Judge Nicole Sonnenblick and Millstone Township Administrator Maria Dellasala.

Since then, officials said, there has been a change of direction in the municipal court and the decision was made to rescind the appointment of the part-time municipal court administrator.

Deputy Mayor Nancy Grbelja and committee members Bob Kinsey and Michael Kuczinski voted in favor of the resolutions. Mayor Gary Dorfman and Committeeman Fiore Masci were absent.