Sculpture at Papaianni Park represents peace, equality, unity

EDISON — A new steel sculpture at Papaianni Park represents peace, justice, equality and unity.

These are all concepts which internationally recognized artist and Edison resident Fernando Silva wanted to depict in the contemporary depiction of an American family.

“The Family” includes a father and mother of equal height to symbolize equality. The couple is holding hands to represent unity. Their daughter holds a dove as a sign of peace. Their son carries a copy of the U.S. Constitution to represent liberty.

A 15-foot-tall iron tower covered in 1,000 ceramic tiles stands near “The Family” and 50 stars cascade from its peak, one for each state in the nation.

The Edison Arts Society (EAS) held an unveiling of the sculpture on June 27 with members of the society, township officials and the public in attendance.

EAS President Gloria S. Dittman made welcoming remarks, Ermine Plotkin led the Pledge of Allegiance and read two of her poems, and Shannon Ritkwa sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

“I was impressed by [Grounds for Sculpture] in Hamilton and thought, why we don’t have a space like this in Edison?” Dittman said, noting the township does not lack the talent nor the determination to make something happen.

Dittman reached out to Silva, who created two large, ceramic tile murals depicting Edison’s history and culture at the municipal complex’s main entrance in 2016. The duo relayed the idea to Mayor Thomas Lankey and the Township Council.

“Great communities like Edison deserve great art that is accessible to residents and visitors,” Lankey said. “Art should capture people’s imaginations and make them think. Mr. Silva’s creations accomplish those goals.”

Dittman said the EAS received a lot of support for the project.

“This project was a lot bigger than what I envisioned. … Thankfully we were able to get the right people involved,” she said.

Dittman said Edison is fortunate to have a mayor and council members who appreciate the arts and graciously support the society’s efforts. She said the sculpture garden has been in the works for more than a year and she received advice and assistance from the mayor and his administration.

From concept to completion, Dittman said “The Family” is a $50,000 public art investment, most contributed by area businesses including Federal Business Centers, American Water Co., Clayton Block Co., PNC Bank, Certified Kitchens, Picture-It Awards and Reilly Financial Group of Woodbridge.

Dittman said she hopes “The Family” is the start of a public sculpture garden at the 15-acre municipal park between Central Avenue and Municipal Boulevard. She said three more artists from Edison and Woodbridge have already expressed interest in creating sculptures for Papaianni Park.

For more information about the EAS and its public sculpture garden project, visit www.edisonarts.org or call 732-548-9134.

Contact Kathy Chang at [email protected].