Education foundation continues its support of Lawrence Township schools

A new storage unit for the Lawrence Intermediate School’s instrumental music department and a second 3-D printer for the Lawrence Middle School.

Four iPads for each kindergarten class at the Ben Franklin Elementary School, and a visit from “George Washington” to Lawrence Middle School seventh-graders.

Those are among the special projects funded by grants approved by the Lawrence Township Education Foundation, none of which would have been possible without the support of donors such as the Educational Testing Service, according to the nonprofit group.

The Educational Testing Service, which is known for administering standardized tests such as the SAT and advanced placement exams, has consistently donated to the foundation.

In fact, the Educational Testing Service and its then-president, Greg Anrig, was the moving force behind the creation of the foundation, along with Superintendent of Schools Barry Gleim and community members in 1992.

The Educational Testing Service offered its guidance and support to help lay the groundwork for the foundation, which was one of the first nonprofit education foundations established in New Jersey.

Since the foundation’s formation in 1992, the Educational Testing Service has donated more than $2.7 million of the $3.5 million that has been raised to support it. The amount donated includes the company’s latest annual contribution of $85,341 to the nonprofit group.

“This donation is one of many examples of the Educational Testing Service’s commitment both to excellence in education and to the well-being of its local community,” said Amy Davis, president of the foundation’s Board of Trustees.

Walt MacDonald, the president of the Educational Testing Service, said the yearly corporate contribution “is just one indication of our support for the Lawrence Township Education Foundation and its fine work.”

In addition to its financial contributions, the Educational Testing Service has hosted the foundation’s annual Handbag Bingo fundraiser.

Karen Fairman, the executive director of the foundation, said the nonprofit group is “extremely grateful” for its partnership with the Educational Testing Service.

“The Educational Testing Service’s financial and in-kind contributions allow us to achieve our mission and to enhance the educational experience for all Lawrence Township public school students,” Fairman said.