South Brunswick Senior Center celebrates 27th anniversary

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – What do you think of when someone says the words “Senior Center”? Do you picture older people sitting around playing bingo and other sedentary programs? Time to update your vision! Senior centers are not what they used to be. Today’s senior centers are a vibrant, action-packed combination of a local fitness center, volunteering headquarters, learning environment and a place to meet new friends.

It was back in July 1991 when the South Brunswick Senior Center first opened its doors. It began back in the 1980s when seniors met in the lower floor of the current municipal building and had the lunch program at Crossroads School. As they grew, the seniors started a campaign to have a senior center built. In 1989, construction of a senior center was approved by the mayor and council, and in 1990 they broke ground, which resulted in the grand opening in July 1991.

In 2002, a generator was installed so the center could provide a community service as a shelter for emergencies. In 2003, a social worker position was added. In 2006, the kitchen was renovated. In 2013, a 10,500-square-foot wellness center was added. In 2014, a partnership with Penn Medicine at Princeton Health occurred to provide on site wellness and medical services. From 2016-17, a new tech center, coat room, music room, new carpeting, furniture and billiards tables were added.

Christine Wildemuth, director for the past 19 years, thanks the mayor and council for all their support in continuing to make the center bigger and better to meet the needs of all those ages 55 and older in South Brunswick.

In 2018, progress will continue, with new front automatic doors, a new roof and a new van for Meals on Wheels delivery.

On July 19, 150 seniors and staff members gathered to celebrate the 27th anniversary of the South Brunswick Senior Center with a barbecue lunch provided by Middlesex County Meal Services and live music provided by Entertainment Plus.

– This article was submitted by the South Brunswick Senior Center.