Indivisible of Monroe members bring issues to legislators

Members of Indivisible of Monroe Township’s Legislative Committee visited the Newark offices of Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Robert Menendez on July 20 to present the group’s achievements since its inception following the 2016 election, its primary legislative concerns, and how to implement them given the current Congress.

“We are proud of what we have accomplished in a short period of time, including legislative advocacy and coalition  building,” Gabriela Sadote, Legislative Committee chair, said in a statement provided by Indivisible of Monroe. “When our five Indivisible partners join with us on an issue, we are 3,000 voters strong – and we are continuing to build on this foundation. Throughout, we have developed our leadership, increased membership, and expanded our outreach in the community.”

Key issues for the organization include Medicare for all; campaign finance reform; economic advancement for the poor, middle and working classes; and reasonable gun safety measures.

Indivisible of Monroe Township is a grassroots activist organization, one of 6,000 affiliates nationwide. The organization’s mission is to promote a progressive agenda and ideals, and to effect change through legislative advocacy, education and community outreach. Membership is free and open to the public.

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