Rumson Garden Club sponsors statewide meeting

The Rumson Garden Club served as the host to a New Jersey Zone IV Meeting  recently at the Navesink Country Club in Middletown.

Members from the 12 Garden Club of America (GCA) clubs located in New Jersey were welcomed by president Joan Lynch and members of the Rumson Garden Club, according to a press release.

Seeking to emulate the GCA’s motto “to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening,” activities over the two days included informative lectures which addressed the meeting’s theme, “Greetings from the Jersey Shore.” The theme set the tone as attendees listened to talks by Cindy Zipf,of Clean Ocean Action, and Tim Dillingham, of the American Littoral Society, according to a press release. 

Both spoke on conservation issues and restoring the natural habitat.

Rumson Garden Club is dedicated to maintaining the natural environment, and has collaborated with both organizations. Noted landscape designer Edwina von Gal delivered a talk about the appeal and environmental healthiness of pesticide-free lawns and gardens, according to a press release. 

The Zone IV Meeting, which the Rumson Garden Club is the host of every 24 years, was chaired by Jeanne Shanley and Chris Hetzler.

New Jersey Zone IV Chair Diane Majeski oversaw the business meeting. In addition, GCA national leaders, including Debbie Edwards, GCA First Vice President and the GCA chairs of Conservation, Garden History and Design and Horticulture, participated in a question and answer session, according to a press release. 

Shanley said, “It was a great opportunity to educate fellow garden club members on challenges facing the Jersey Shore. Everyone in the state needs to have a stake in keeping our waters clean. But most of all, we built lasting friendships and had fun!”

The GCA’s “love of gardening” was on full display in the statewide flower show, which was open to and well-attended by the public on the last day of the meeting. Chaired by Elizabeth Lilleston and appraised by GCA judges from as far as Hawaii, the flower show included entries in photography, botanical arts, floral design and horticulture that was propagated or cut from members’ gardens, according to a press release. 

Pam Russo received “Best in Show” for her flower arrangement, Stella Ryan won a “Creativity Award” and “Best in Show” for her botanical arts purse, Avery Brighton won an education commendation for her exhibit of photographs on garden design, Diana Landreth received horticulture “Best in Show,” and Diane Guidone won a Medal for her topiary, according to a press release.

The club garnered the most points as was awarded the coveted Zone IV gavel. Chris Hetzler said, “Nearly every member of RGC contributed their creativity, talents, time and efforts to make the meeting and flower show a huge success.”