Brothers from Marlboro Boy Scout Troop 86 attain rank of Eagle

The picture of three boys are, from left to right , Jackson Anderson, Roy Anderson and Evan Anderson.
MARLBORO – Boy Scouts of America Troop 86, Marlboro, has awarded the Eagle rank to brothers Jackson C. Anderson and Evan C. Anderson.
Jackson and Evan, 18-year-old twin brothers, are graduates of Marlboro High School and Freehold High School, respectively. Jackson and Evan were introduced to the Boy Scouts by their older brother, Roy, who also earned the status of Eagle Scout, according to information provided by Troop 86.
The Trinity Episcopal Church, Matawan, is an important and integral part of the boys’ lives. They have focused on the betterment of their church. Upon confirmation from church officials, Jackson honed in on renovations to the building’s basement, which was in dire need of repair, according to Troop 86.

His removed all the contents and power washed the basement. Jackson cleaned and repaired floor drains to prevent flooding. To prevent debris from falling into the basement, Jackson repaired and installed slots into the chain-link fence at the basement’s entrance.

Jackson placed garbage and recycling receptacles on the church grounds. He coordinated members of Troop 86 and the church, as well as friends who volunteered to see the project to fruition.
“I had to make sure I was effectively managing volunteer time and my time along with managing supplies and donations. It required me to be very organized,” Jackson said. “There was also an added challenge of coordinating time to help my brother’s project, which was being carried out simultaneously.
“This project also gave me many valuable skills like leadership skills gained from leading a team. It also taught me the real meaning of giving back and community service, which was displayed by every volunteer. These are paramount life skills and lessons I will carry with me throughout my life,” Jackson said.
Jackson intends to maintain his involvement with Troop 86 and aspires to attain a degree in electrical engineering from Brookdale Community College, Lincroft.
For his Eagle project, Evan decided to fix the dilapidated storage shed on the property of the Trinity Episcopal Church, according to information provided by Troop 86.
After the project began, Evan was faced with a setback. He was informed by a volunteer who works in construction that the shed was beyond repair and needed to be demolished. Evan had to discard his initial plan and re-plan the project.
Evan discovered a concrete slab on the premises and decided to build a shed from the ground up. He dismantled the old shed carefully because he had decided to reuse the good wood and studs for the new shed. Volunteers from the church and the Boy Scouts pulled out nails and cleaned the old wood that was to be reused in the new shed.
“Evan is so grateful for the volunteers who donated money, time, work, expertise and materials. Stores like Lowe’s donated wood and siding toward Evan’s project,” said Roy Anderson, his father. “He approached the right individuals for help.”