Jackson council seeks to amend lease with church, add provision for insurance

JACKSON – The public hearing on an ordinance that will, if adopted, amend Jackson’s lease agreement with the Cornerstone Presbyterian Church will be held on Aug. 14.

Township Council members introduced the ordinance at the governing body’s July 24 meeting.

Jackson owns the building that is known as the historic Harmony Church, 69 Harmony Road. In 2014, municipal officials entered into a lease agreement with the Cornerstone Presbyterian Church to use the structure for religious services and related community activities. The lease runs for 15 years, with an option to renew for two additional 10-year periods.

The proposed amendment states that Jackson officials want to amend the lease in regard to insurance. The amended ordinance states that “at all times during the term of this lease, tenant (the church), at its sole cost, shall obtain property insurance for both the leasehold improvements made by the tenant, as well as landlord’s building, in an amount not less than $400,000. The insurance proceeds for any property loss under this addendum shall be payable to the tenant.”

Councilwoman Ann Updegrave, Councilman Scott Martin and Councilman Barry Calogero voted to introduce the ordinance. Council President Ken Bressi and Vice President Rob Nixon were absent.

In other business, council members awarded a contract to Lucas Construction in the amount of $898,898 for improvements to New Central Avenue, and a contract to C.J. Hesse in the amount of $545,091 for improvements to Woodlane Road.

Council members awarded a contract to Trius Inc. for the supply and delivery of three “V” salt box spreaders for a total price of $68,661. And, the council renewed the alcoholic beverage consumption license for Jackson Spirits LLC for July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.