Temple Emanu-El aims to instill pride in being a Jew

Temple Emanu-El of Edison, New Jersey’s Religious School, aims to instill pride and value in being a Jew. We are a URJ-affiliated community. We teach our children what it means to be Jewish in today’s society. With hands on, experiential learning, we impart our Jewish history, traditions, Torah, ethics and more to the next generation. We have teachers who create excitement in the classroom and assist our children in finding their personal identities as Jews in today’s society.

Through our family programs, holiday celebrations (such as our Purim Carnival), tzedakah projects, and more, your children will feel connected to our community.

Our school program begins with Kindergarten and continues through Grade 12. Our weekday-only school offers you the ability to provide a wonderful Jewish education, and meets the needs of children’s demanding schedules.

Grades K-2 and 8-12 are open to non-temple members.

Call 732-549-4442, ext. 105, email [email protected], or visit www.edisontemple.org for more information.