E-Cigs: Don’t Listen to Everything They’re Saying

Ever since e-cigs have made their appearance on the market, people kept talking about them. Even some controversy happened between the media and the public.
Here you can find the best e-cig brands list, from which you can choose your next gadget.
We don’t know that much about e-cigs and most people have misconceptions about them. Myths are everywhere nowadays, so we decided to tell the truth once and for all.
Is popcorn lung a real thing?
Apparently, if you vape, you get popcorn lung. People started talking about this because some flavors which were used for the e-liquid contained diacetyl. If you are exposed to diacetyl, you can get serious problems, such as lung disease – bronchiolitis obliterans. This was first observed among the people who worked at a popcorn factory – hence the name.
The good thing is that diacetyl is a banned ingredient (at least in UK). It’s true, it’s been found in some flavors before, but in doses of hundreds of times lower than it can be found in the smoke of a cigarette.
We don’t know what e-cigs contain and they’re not regulated
The UK especially has strict regulations for e-cigs. They’re kept to minimum standards of the quality and of the safety. Also, they’re obligated to put a label in which you can see all the ingredients of the juice.
Also, it’s good to keep in mind that all the products are notified by the manufacturers to the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency) – they should offer all the information they need, including a list of all the ingredients.
E-cigs have nicotine, so they’re harmful to us
People believe that nicotine is what causes the cancer in smokers. However, some studies have shown that the nicotine level has a small risk of putting your health in danger.
It’s true that nicotine is what makes people addicted to smoking, but all the chemicals from the smoke of the cigarette are what causes the harm.
Keep in mind that e-cigs don’t really contain carbon monoxide or tar, which represent the danger from the tobacco smoke. However, they do have chemicals that can be found in the tobacco smoke, but they’re present in a much lower level.
The c-cig vapor is dangerous for others
There’s proof that the cigarette smoke is harmful to you. In the UK, there are many laws that prohibit smoking in closed public places and workplaces. However, these laws don’t apply to vape. Even more, companies are able to make their own rules when it comes to using e-cigs.
The liquid form the e-cig is made out of nicotine, glycerine, propylene glycol and flavors. But it’s different than the traditional cigarettes, since there’s no vapor emitted into the atmosphere – it’s just the exhaled aerosol.
At the moment, there are no health risks for those around you when you’re vaping. It’s good to keep in mind that people with respiratory problems can be sensitive to it, though.