Jamesburg council introduces ordinance funding future improvements

JAMESBURG–Providing funding for future upgrades, the Jamesburg Borough Council introduced an ordinance to fund various equipment and infrastructure improvements at a sum of $25,000.

Borough Administrator Scott Frueh said there is no specific equipment or infrastructure improvements at this time, but the ordinance is more for any equipment and/or improvements the borough may need.

The borough will use the Capital Improvement Fund to fund future equipment and improvement needs, according to Frueh.

The council approved the first reading of the ordinance on Aug. 15 during its monthly meeting.

According to Frueh, the second and final reading for the ordinance is scheduled for Sept. 19.

In other news, the council also introduced an ordinance to amend a previously adopted ordinance to fund improvements to Ridgeview Road at the sum of $3,822.50. Frueh said the original ordinance was for road and sewer improvements to half of Ridgeview Road.

“Actually, the project has been completed for about two years; however, there was an issue with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) on some of the reimbursements that the borough put in for from the engineer that DOT would not reimburse,” Frueh said. “The borough is making the balance of the improvement authorization agree to its off-setting receivable in order to cancel the balances.”

Frueh said once adopted, the ordinance will be in effect 10 days after the publication in the authorized newspaper, in the borough’s case, the Cranbury Press, which is published by the Newspaper Media Group.

For more information, visit www.bit.ly/2wauLse.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].