Millstone school board meeting videos available online

MILLSTONE – Meetings of the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education will continue to be available for residents to view online during the 2018-19 school year.

During the summer, the Township Committee and the school board each took action on a shared services agreement. School board meetings will be uploaded on the township’s website at and users should scroll down to the Quick Links section and click on Video Library.

According to a resolution that authorized the shared services agreement, school board members have a need for their meetings to be uploaded and converted to the township’s website to allow residents to view the meetings on a computer. The board will be charged at a cost up to $35 for each board meeting video that is uploaded.

In other business during a recent meeting, the school board approved a $13,069 purchase in kitchen supplies and equipment from M. Tucker, a division of Singer NY, LLC, that will be used in the Millstone Township Elementary School. The purchase will be funded through the district’s profitable food service account, according to district administrators.

The board also ratified a shared services agreement with the New Hanover School District Board of Education for maintenance and HVAC services for the 2018-19 school year.

And, the board approved a proposal from Magic Touch Construction in the amount of $28,665 for the rehabilitation of the water system at the Millstone Township Middle School.