Jamesburg school board member will not run to keep seat

JAMESBURG – Anne Luck-Deak will not run to retain her seat on the Jamesburg School District Board of Education in the Nov. 6 election.

On Nov. 8, 2017, borough voters approved a ballot proposal to reduce the size of the school board from nine members to seven, according to a previous article.

The number of board members was reduced from nine to eight this year and will be reduced from eight to seven in 2019, according to Jamesburg Superintendent Brian Betze.

Luck-Deak said she was appointed to a vacant position on the board on March 22.

“Earlier this year when I became aware of the vacancy on the board, I expressed an interest in serving in that position even though I knew the board would be downsized from eight positions to seven positions at the end of this year,” Luck-Deak said.

“I felt strongly that our students and our community deserved to have a full board serving on their behalf and I was happy to dedicate the time needed to the task while also learning all I could and having as much of a positive impact as possible during the year,” she said.

She said she will not seek to retain her seat on the board. Her term will expire in December.

The terms of the current board president, Elliot Stroul, and the current vice president, Paul Rutsky, will expire on Dec. 31. Stroul and Rutsky are running unopposed for three-year terms in the Nov. 6 election.

“I believe the board members I have served with since my appointment are dedicated, intelligent public servants with the best interests of our students and community at heart,” Luck-Deak said.

“I see no reason to do anything but support Rutsky and Stroul and the rest of the board members in their work moving forward. They have valuable knowledge and experience and use it with integrity for the benefit of our students and our community.

“I plan to remain active in our school district as my son is a student at John F. Kennedy Elementary School and I look forward to any future opportunities to serve the students and community,” she said.

Luck-Deak holds a bachelor’s degree from Rutgers University, where she double majored in journalism and political science.

“Even though I have only served for a short time, I am happy I was able to fill out the board with another perspective during the year and to dedicate myself to learning from board members who bring with them a wealth of experience,” Luck-Deak said. “For the remainder of my term, I will continue to look for opportunities to have an impact and effectively serve our students and community collaboratively with the rest of the board members.”

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].