HILLSBOROUGH: Skobo and Lipani will protect sensitive lands

To the editor:

As chairwoman of Hillsborough’s Open Space Advisory Committee, I am happy to report that the township continues to protect more and more open space and farmland. The latest figures show over 12,000 acres have been taken away from developers and new  residential development. That’s over 34 percent of the entire township.

More than 5,000 of those acres are in the environmentally sensitive Sourland Mountain, as well as extensive farm and open space preservation in the southeastern, western and northern areas of the township.

Our Open Space tax dollars have been smartly leveraged with federal and state funds, and by partnering with the Somerset County Freeholders, led by Mark Caliguire and Patrick Scaglione.

With the Republican leadership of Ron Skobo and Shawn Lipani, these numbers will continue to grow. Ron and Shawn have pledged their support to make our Open Space program even more successful. For this reason and more, I urge Hillsborough voters to support Skobo and Lipani, for township committee on Election Day, Nov. 6.

Helen Haines
