Spotswood to purchase communications equipment

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution to purchase radio communication equipment and accessories in the amount of $1,350,000.

“Police department, Department of Public Works and Emergency Medical Services will be receiving the majority of the work. Our current equipment is dated and repair costs are high if they can even be done at all,” Mayor Edward Seely said. “Public Safety is a top priority of this governing body and given the state of our current equipment the decision has been made to move forward.”

The borough desires to purchase Radio Communication Equipment and Accessories under a state contract from Motorola Solutions Company, according to the council agenda.

The council approved the resolution to purchase of radio communication equipment and accessories under a state contract from Motorola Solutions Company through the Middlesex County Improvement Authority’s (MCIA) 2018 Capital Equipment and Improvement Finance program on Sept. 5 during its regular meeting at the municipal building.

In the past, the Borough of Spotswood has availed itself of the right to purchase materials, supplies and equipment under contracts for such materials, supplies and equipment entered into on behalf of the State of New Jersey, according to the council agenda.

It is desirable from time to time to obtain materials, supplies and equipment under contracts for such items through the state without the necessity of advertising for bids, or in the cases where no bids have been received, the council agenda said..

Seely said that the MCIA is providing the funding for the project that the borough will pay back over time. Now that the resolution has been approved the borough will purchase and begin the installation.

In other news, the council also approved a resolution to authorizing CME Associates to do professional services for the Brunswick Avenue Project in the amount of $101,085.

The borough has been awarded a Trust Fund Grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation in the amount of $490,000 for the improvements to Brunswick Avenue, according to the council agenda.

Pursuant to the council’s request, CME submitted a proposal in the amount of $11,160 for preparing property acquisition plans and metes and bounds descriptions for 10 lots located on the easterly side of Brunswick Avenue between the paper street of Taft Avenue and Second Street and one lot located at the corner of Brunswick Avenue and Crescent Avenue, for traffic analysis phase services in the amount of $1,265 to allow a determination of the average daily traffic count for Brunswick Avenue and based on the results of the traffic count. CME will review the roadway width or the addition of sidewalk will have a major impact on their design and construction costs, according to the council agenda.

According to the council agenda, CME will perform the scope of work described in correspondence of Aug. 30, for a fee not to exceed $101,085.

CME is authorized to do the following services which include: property acquisition phase services for $11,160; traffic analysis phase services for $1,265; design phase services for $39,690; bid phase services for $4,120; construction administration services for $44,850, according to the council agenda.

A copy of this resolution shall be published in the official newspaper of the borough within 10 days of its passage, according to the council agenda.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].