Tinton Falls willing to work with county on intersection improvements

 Tinton Falls Borough Council members will continue to cooperate with the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders in a project that will seek to improve a busy intersection in the borough.

A resolution outlining the matter and stating the council’s pledge to work with the county was unanimously passed at the Sept. 4 meeting of the governing body.

Two concept plans have been designed by the county and presented at previous council meetings. The county plans to improve the intersection of Route 13A (Sycamore Avenue) and Route 51 (Hance Avenue), over which it has jurisdiction.

The concept plans also seek to improve the nearby intersection of Sycamore Avenue and Hope Road, which is under the jurisdiction of Tinton Falls.

Residents have described the two intersections as high-volume traffic areas that are prone to motor vehicle accidents.

County officials have said the goal of the project would be to accommodate the number of vehicles currently using Sycamore and Hance avenues, as well as additional vehicles that may pass through this area of Tinton Falls in the future.

The addition of lanes of travel on the targeted roads could require the acquisition of land from residential properties, officials have said.

Municipal officials have said they are not in favor of either concept plan put forth by the county. Council members acknowledged the roads are problematic and need to be addressed, but said the “intrusive” nature of the proposed site plans is not ideal.

The Sept. 4 resolution states that Tinton Falls “desires to work with the county freeholders and the county engineer to ensure improvements that increase public safety at the intersections, but that also minimize the taking of private property and preserve the small-town roots of Tinton Falls and do not encourage additional traffic congestion.

“The county has indicated an intention to remove Hope Road from the county’s master plan for future acquisition and the county engineer has made a commitment to the borough to evaluate all of its proposals with the expressed concerns of the borough and its residents, and in particular to evaluate a proposal for a traffic signal at the intersection (of Sycamore and Hance avenues) and to review the potential for lowering the speed limit on the road,” the resolution states.

“This (resolution) is reflective of what the council was looking for,” Business Administrator Mike Skudera said after each member of the council voted “yes” to cooperate with county officials. 

Residents agreed with officials that the intersection of Sycamore and Hance avenues is problematic and needs to be addressed.

The county’s first concept plan proposes the extension of Hope Road, upgrades to traffic signals, and an increase in the number of lanes in either direction of the targeted roads.

The county’s second concept plan proposes the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Hance and Sycamore avenues, upgrades to the existing traffic light at the intersection of Hope Road and Sycamore Avenue, and the expansion of the targeted roads.

According to the county, the injury rate that occurs from motor vehicle accidents at the intersection of Sycamore and Hance avenues is more than three times the state average, and has totaled $12 million in damages and personal injuries during the past 20 years.