5 Side Hustle Tips for Making Money in College

While most of us dream about getting into the perfect career and enjoying a high paid job with all the bells and whistles, we first have the arduous task of getting the qualifications we need. For many, this means spending a number of years living on the breadline as a struggling student. Of course, if you do well with your studies this will pay off in the end but what should you do in order to manage financially in the meantime?
Well, the good news is that there are various ways in which you can ease the financial strain even while you are studying. Life can be very expensive for students, as there is so much to pay for ranging from books and study items through to travel and food. For those living away from home, the costs can be particularly crippling. However, there are ways of making money to help make finances a bit less of a strain while you are studying.
Some of the tips that can help
So, what can you do to make extra money while you are a struggling student working toward a high-powered and well-paid career? Well, here are some simple methods you can use to make money and you don’t even have to travel to work in order to start earning. Some of the top ways to make extra cash as a student include:

  • Sell your student notes: One simple way of earning money or rewards toward gift cards is by letting other student access your study notes. This provides a very convenient and simple means of boosting your income because you have the study notes anyway so you may as well make use of them and earn some cash from them. Using sites like OneClass means you can sell your study notes with ease and earn rewards that can be exchanged for cash or for High Street gift cards.
  • Sell your photographs: If you are pretty good at photography, another thing you can do is to sell your photos online. There are two ways in which you can do this. Some sites allow you to sell your photos to them for a fixed fee while others such as Foap allow you to upload the photos and charge a fee of $5.00 per download, which means you can look forward to a steady, long-term income.
  • Sell your services on Fiverr: Another great site to go on if you want to earn some extra cash is Fiverr. Here, you can offer your services in a range of sectors from leaving reviews through to helping with YouTube videos, writing content, providing artwork, and much more. For each gig you do, you will earn $5.00 minus the small fee charged by the site. The amounts can quickly add up when you use this site to offer your services. Better still, you can do all of the gigs from the comfort of your own home online.
  • Sell services on UpWork: Another site you can go on if you want to make some serious money on a part time basis is UpWork. Here, you can register as a provider in a range of categories including writing and web design. You can then work as and when it is convenient for you by placing bids on jobs and being accepted. You will then be able to earn good money by providing your service. You can enjoy a number of free bids each month so it won’t even cost you anything unless you decide to upgrade.
  • Sell your unwanted books online: One more thing you can consider is selling your old textbooks online once you have finished with them. There are many sites that enable you to do this with ease and convenience. It means that other students can benefit from affordable books while you make money on the books you no longer need. In addition, you will be able to de-clutter and get rid of books that are taking up space unnecessarily by doing this.

These are just some of the many ways in which you can boost your income as a student and make your finances go further.