Toms River officials give six-month review

A first was accomplished in Toms River when municipal department heads presented a six-month review  of the performance of their departments.

This performance review was performed prior to the start of the Township Council meeting on Aug. 28.

The departments ranged from the Toms River Police, Finance, Public Works to Recreation.

According to the presentations, the police had a 40 percent decline in robberies and thefts over a four-year period. Finance created a new initiative, a fee for excessive service calls that will bring in more money for the township. Public Works was able to finish snow removal this past winter in a efficient 20 hour period. Recreation replaced 18 foot sections of netting on the Bey Lea municipal golf course.

The review is an effort by Toms River Mayor Thomas Kelaher to keep the public informed on the towns departments and achievements.

The department heads who made presentations, which last roughly 75 minutes, to the mayor, the Township Council and members of the public were Chief of Police Mitchell Little, Chief Finance Officer Sharon Smith, Recreation Director Jared Tate, Public Works Director Louis Amoruso, Parks, Buildings & Grounds Director Craig Ambrosio, Human Resources Director Daniel Mahony, Tax Assessor Richard Kenny, Township Engineer Robert Chankalian, Township Clerk Alison Carlisle, Emergency Management Director Paul Daley, Township Planner David Roberts and Director of Health & Human Services JoAnn Benson.

“Our 12 department heads give a sketch on what is going on now. I sat there and listened the other day and said, ‘Wow there is even more stuff happening than I thought,’ ” Kelaher said.

Kelaher said he believes the presentation will continue to be received well in Toms River.

Kelaher revealed that Business Administrator Donald Guardian brought the idea of a six-month review to him.

The next presentation by the department heads will be at the end of the year. The department heads will provide members of the public with end-of-year results and achievements.

Residents may view the six-month reviews and presentations on the township’s website under Archives.