Engineering firm hired to design East Main Street crosswalk in Freehold Borough

FREEHOLD – Municipal officials are moving forward with a plan to establish a mid-block crosswalk on East Main Street.

East Main Street is also known as Route 79, a state highway.

Freehold Borough officials have previously said a new marked crosswalk would be established on East Main Street between South and Sheriff streets. State law requires motorists to yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk.

The new crosswalk is planned to connect the area near a branch of the Two River Community Bank with the other side of East Main Street in the vicinity of the American Hotel, according to officials.

On Sept. 17, Borough Council members authorized a professional services agreement with Abbington Engineering, which will provide services including surveying, mapping, and designing and preparing plans and specifications for the crosswalk.

The engineering firm will also provide construction administration and inspection services. The cost to establish the mid-block crosswalk is not to exceed $10,700.

Borough officials have said the Freehold Borough Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, as commissioned by the state Department of Transportation, recommended the installation of a mid-block crosswalk to promote a safe movement of pedestrian traffic in the downtown business district.

The Freehold Borough Police Department has endorsed the installation of the crosswalk.

According to a 2011 report prepared by the engineering firm Michael Baker Jr. Inc., crosswalks for pedestrians are justified and recommended on East Main Street because of the distance between the South Street-East Main Street and Center Street-East Main Street intersections, both of which have traffic signals that allow pedestrians to cross safely, and because of heavy pedestrian activity along East Main Street.