I support Joyce Eldridge-Howard for Hillsborough school board

To the editor:

When I learned that Joyce Eldridge-Howard was running for the Hillsborough Board of Education, I was delighted that our school district could be well served by an educator with a depth of experience of more than 40 years in New Jersey schools. Her background is a perfect fit to be a champion of our excellent school system since her experience has resulted in promoting student achievement and teachers’ success.

Having served on the board of education, I know that it takes a lot of time and commitment to make sound decisions on behalf of our schools. I have always felt that a positive environment for our teachers will result in an effective learning environment for our students. I know that Joyce will carefully consider the consequences of her decisions for the school community.

What I have noticed about Joyce is that she carries through on her commitments and gives 110 percent when she sets her mind to a project. Her community service throughout her life shows that she is engaged and wants what is best for the town that she lives in. She is trustworthy and will do the independent research that is needed to guide the school district to maintain its high level of achievement.

I encourage you to join me in voting for Joyce Eldridge-Howard on Tuesday November 6.

Thuy Anh Le

Former Hillsborough Township Board of Education member
