Pennington resident is supporting Blake this November

To the editor:

Iam writing to endorse Deputy Mayor Julie Blake for another term on the Hopewell Township Committee. I usually avoid politics – and I know how mean people can be when others disagree with them politically – but I will make an exception for Julie.

Over the past three years, I have seen Julie at work. I have seen her regularly attend community events like the Race and Diversity discussion group, Hopewell Night Out and the bus trip to Smithsonian African American Museum. She is our point person with the water situation, attending meetings with Trenton officials, bringing Trenton Water people to the township, arranging for free testing of well water (and providing information about that) and making sure tests of Hopewell water that came from TWW happen.

Julie has been part of a great team that has kept our taxes in check and made careful, prudent decisions about how the township should meet its affordable housing obligations. I applaud her efforts to build a community center and to make the township a more cohesive and welcoming community. I appreciate the effort she has made to make the township committee a more friendly and efficient organization.

Please join me on November 6 in re-electing Julie Blake to another term on the Hopewell Township Committee.

Linda Rogers
