Welcome back, Register News

To the editor:

Welcome back! Under one of several names it held under several publishers, the Register News has been an important part of our community since 1848. In that year, it was known as the Bordentown Palladium, and morphed into the Bordentown Register in 1851, according to the Burlington County Library System. It joined forces with the Florence Township-News in 1966 to become the paper we know today.

Our community has sorely missed having a real newspaper, one that scrupulously fact-checks information provided by outside sources and independently investigates news on behalf of the public. There is a place for other types of media in our lives, but the role of the journalist cannot be replaced by any other form of communication, whether in print, via cable TV, or online.

We hear a lot today about news media being “the enemy of the people.” That is sometimes the case. If “the people” in question are corrupt politicians, bigots, and criminals hiding behind the mask of good citizenship, well, yes, journalism is their enemy. For the rest of us, the news media open doors to truth and help us make educated choices at the polls and in our daily lives. Journalists enable us to look at issues from different points of view and to develop as critical thinkers. They are not our enemy, but our advocate.

So, welcome back, Register News. We look forward to reading objective reports on news affecting our community, feature articles about our neighbors, and informed opinions about our changing world. During your absence, there was nothing to replace you. Even when the truth hurts, you have our gratitude and support.

L.L. Holt

Bordentown City

A former writer for the Bordentown Register and Register-News