Volunteer fire company to host an open house this Sunday

East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 will hold an open house on Oct. 7 in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week.

The fire station is located at 69 Twin Rivers Drive. Fire Prevention Week will run from Oct. 7 through 13.

The Sunday afternoon open house at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 – also known as Station 46 – will be held from noon to 4 p.m. It will feature safety demonstrations, fire truck rides, tours of the fire station and a chance to meet Sparky, the fire dog.

During the week, the fire company will take its big yellow fire trucks to make personal appearances at area schools, including the Ethel McKnight Elementary School on Oct. 10 and the Perry L. Drew Elementary School on Oct. 12.

“The best way to reach the parents is through the children,” said Fire Chief Mario Batista of East Windsor Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2.

“The children listen, they understand and they will relay our safety tips to their parents. They always do. They never let us down,” Chief Batista said.

The National Fire Protection Association has sponsored Fire Prevention Week since 1922. Fire Prevention Week is observed during the week in which Oct. 9 falls, to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire that began on Oct. 8, 1871 and that caused extensive damage, according to www.NFPA.org.

The theme of Fire Prevention Week this year is “Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere.” The goal is to encourage people to look around for places where a fire could start, to listen for the smoke alarm and to learn two ways out of every room in case of fire.

“Look” means to look around the house to spot potential fire hazards and take care of them.

“Listen” means listening for the smoke alarm, because occupants have only a few minutes to escape. Households should establish a safe place outside of the house where they can meet if they have to evacuate.

“Learn” is about establishing two ways out of every room, and making sure all doors and windows can be easily opened and are not blocked by clutter.

Children under 5 years old and adults over 65 years old are most vulnerable for injury or death in a fire, but people of all ages can become victims. The risk of a non-fatal fire injury is highest for those between 20 and 49 years old.