SHUPP thanks supporters of recent event

To the editor:

The board of Send Hunger Packing Princeton (SHUPP) is happy to report that it successfully concluded its sixth annual event. The mission of SHUPPrinceton is to provide child-friendly supplemental weekend food through community organization and community financial support. Approximately 600 to 700 students in the Princeton Public Schools are food insecure. They need our help, because a child can’t thrive on an empty stomach.

Unlike previous events, this event was for the benefit of all the young children in Princeton. It was a carnival-like atmosphere with kids’ games, a photo booth, popcorn and pretzels and clearly the most popular, face painting. It was attended by nearly 200 people during a two-hour period. A good time was had by all.

SHUPP has expanded over the years and now includes summer food distribution, in addition to distribution during the school year. There are no pre-requirements to sign up and participate unlike government programs. To date, almost 130,000 supplemental meals have been provided. The organization recently obtained its own 501(c)(3) nonprofit designation and operates in partnership with Mercer Street Friends and the Princeton School administration.

SHUPP would like to thank our sponsors: CURE Insurance (photo booth), Bill and Ashley Schofield Fund, GrandPals (lemonade), YWCA (popcorn), Ross & Lesley Wishnick (pretzels),Wendy & Joe Vasquez (doughnuts), Rabner Graphics (marketing) and the Princeton Public Library (tent). SHUPP would also like the thank the United Way of Greater Mercer County for their assistance in providing meals this summer to children who are food insecure.

Ross Wishnick
