
Learn which Medicare Supplement Plan is best for you

By Heather Best-Logan
Creative Benefit Plans

Do you need health insurance coverage to supplement Medicare Parts A and B? Which Medicare Supplement Plan is the right one for you? Which insurance carrier should you use? How do you determine what Medicare Part D coverage will work best for your prescription drug coverage? When do you sign up? Can you change plans?

These are some of the more common questions regarding Medicare Supplement Plans otherwise referred to as MediGap coverage. Whether or not you need health insurance coverage supplementing Medicare A and B and if you do, which plan and carrier are right for you are very personal decisions.

Not one solution is right for everybody. Learn how Medicare works. Learn how Medicare Supplement Plans integrate with Medicare. There are only 10 Medicare Supplement Plans to choose from but there are some obvious and some subtle differences between them. Learn what those differences are and how they may apply to your present circumstance.

No one has a crystal ball to predict with certainty what plan will be best for you this year, let alone forever. If you learn what all your options are, you dramatically increase your chance of making the right choice.

Open enrollment is through Dec. 7 this year.