Spotswood Senior Center offers Ageless Grace exercise program

SPOTSWOOD – To promote longevity by helping to strengthen its patrons’ minds, the Spotswood Office on Aging and Senior Center is offering the Ageless Grace exercise program.

Ageless Grace is a brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity, which is reopening neural pathways that were created from the time an individual was born until approximately the age of 21 and creating new neural pathways.

Ageless Grace activates all five functions of the brain: analytical; strategic; kinesthetic learning; memory/recall; and creativity and imagination, according to Office on Aging and Senior Center Director Donna Faulkenberry.

“The program also simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. It was created by Denise Medved and consists of 21 simple exercise tools designed for all ages and abilities,” she said. “These exercises are based on everyday movements that focus on the healthy longevity of the body and mind.”

Faulkenberry said Ageless Grace is offered from 9:30-10:30 a.m. every Monday at the senior center, 1 Arlington Ave., Suite 401.

“We have a very dedicated group of exercisers and our physical fitness classes are very popular,” she said. “We wanted to offer something that incorporated working the brain while also exercising the body as a complement to our current offerings.”

Faulkenberry said the senior center began offering Ageless Grace in October.

“One of the reasons we offered this class is that all movements are done while a person is seated so it is safe and appropriate for all fitness levels,” she said. “We also realize the importance of challenging the brain in different ways and this class directly addresses that need.”

Faulkenberry said Laura Tuma, a certified instructor who teaches classes in Middlesex, Monmouth and Somerset counties, teaches Ageless Grace.

“My motto in life was always to be as healthy as I can, as long as I can, as natural as I can. I love to help other people, too,” Tuma said. “I was very excited to learn about Ageless Grace because it is exercise for the body and brain, which is so important. The movements are natural and organic. I feel we all must do everything we can to improve our brain function.

“We should take the Ageless Grace class to improve our overall health – physical, mental and emotional. It improves spinal flexibility, right-left brain coordination, bone density, cognitive function, self-esteem, confidence and playfulness,” Tuma said. “Most of all, we have so much fun. It’s done to great music of the era of the group. … They even have Ageless Grace for kids and we play the music they love. A quote that I love by George Bernard Shaw is, ‘We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.’ ”

For more information about the “Ageless Grace” exercise program visit

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].