Former mayor endorses Jackowski

To the editor:

Edward “Jack” Jackowski is running for the Hopewell Township Committee. Ed will make a true and positive impact on our community. He is an outstanding individual. He lives on Woosamonsa Road, owns and operates a nursery farm there, and has lived here for many years.

Ed welcomes discussion on the issues at any time. He feels that transparency and accountability are his top campaign priorities. The citizens of Hopewell Township should be given the opportunity to voice their views and opinions to the township committee, rather than having to rush through their thoughts in just three minutes once a month. Former committees did not use such a clock. Ed realizes that our citizens are remarkably well informed and should have the opportunity to air their concerns without rude interruption or the threat of arrest. Ed’s position is very different than what is taking place today.

Ed understands that the Township’s PILOT agreement “Payment In Lieu Of Taxes” will not bring in the full taxes owed to Hopewell Township, a fact that is confirmed by the State of New Jersey. “PILOT” brings more homes to our township and does not guarantee the associated tax revenue to the school district. Approximately 57 percent of our property tax goes to the school district and the township committee is not obligated to forward the money to the schools. Is PILOT really what our taxpayers want? Ed does not think so.

Ed is an independent individual who will review all aspects of issues and make decisions in the best interest of all the citizens of our township.

Take an opportunity to look at all of Edward Jackowski’s key points of his campaign. Ed is offering a positive change in Hopewell Township. It is very important that our township is not dominated by one party in Hopewell Township, as it is now. Every important issue must be carefully reviewed rather than just being “rubber stamped” as it is today.

Please join me in voting for Edward Jackowski on Tuesday, November 6.

Jim Burd

Former Mayor of Hopewell Township