Julie Blake cares for the township

To the editor:

Hopewell Township residents have an opportunity to vote for and re-elect a really unique individual on November 6.

She personifies the best sort of public servant. She is smart. She works very hard and is very effective as a current member of the township committee. Equally important, however, is that she is kind and calm and positive. She listens to everyone – all sides – with an open-minded attitude. She listens to learn – to learn about concerns of the township’s residents – what we want and need so that our township government can do things better than has previously been done.

This really special person is Julie Blake: wife, mother, professional high school counselor, resident of Brandon Farms, and currently Hopewell Township’s Deputy Mayor.

Here’s one example of what she has done for us recently that few people know about.

Julie Blake has been extremely active in advocating for safe water and better communication from Trenton Water Works regarding lead contamination in the water supply of other municipalities. Since TWW provides the water to 40 percent of Hopewell Township, she has attended several mayor’s meetings in Trenton, spoke at the Trenton City Council, and pushed for Hopewell Township to do its own testing, which was done. She arranged for the professionals at TWW to come and answer our questions at Stony Brook Elementary. She learned that there had been testing at Stony Brook Elementary School and that all testing levels were in accepted ranges. Ms. Blake is keeping a watchful eye on TWW to be assured that the township continues to have safe water.

But Ms. Blake never forgot about the many township residents with well water. She arranged that these homeowners can get their well water tested for lead as well, for free. (Homeowners can go the township’s Health Department website to get more information.)

No one pressured or pestered Julie Blake to do this. She saw a potential problem and addressed it. Quietly. Without fanfare. Without self-promotion. This is how she works.

I hope you will join me in re-electing her to another term to serve us.

Billie Moore

Hopewell Township