Years of known Linthorst show she’s the right school board candidate

To the editor:

It is my honor and pleasure to write in support of Debbie Linthorst as an elected member of the Hopewell Valley Board of Education.

I have known Debbie since 2011 and have been blessed by her friendship, leadership, camaraderie and civic-mindedness. I met Debbie as a fellow parent at Bear Tavern Elementary School. Immediately, her ability to jump into a new context, build relationships, foster positivity and dedicate countless hours to a larger cause became manifest.

Debbie is one of those rare people who builds consensus, getting me to volunteer for things I had no desire to do, and even helping me enjoy the process! Together, we’ve hoisted heavy signs at student art nights, monitored energetic toddlers on bouncy slides at PTO picnics, tacked up notices and signs to enhance PTO communication and decorated the gym in red-white-and-blue to welcome community veterans. Those simple acts say so much about Debbie; she’s not above doing anything. If she rallies volunteers, she will likely be the last one sweeping the floor and turning off the lights.

Throughout her PTO tenures, Debbie has been the consummate leader: warm, welcoming, inclusive and open minded. Under her leadership, the school spirit and pride at Bear Tavern was dramatically resurrected. She continually worked to engage more parents, more teachers, and more community members in enhancing the culture and environment at our school. More than a cheerleader, Debbie is skilled in building on successes, while still striving for improvements. It is that spirit of optimizing outcomes for all involved—students, parents, teachers, administrators, and tax-payers—that makes me so confident in Debbie’s singular ability to fill the Board of Education seat.

Through ensuing years, I’ve gotten to see Debbie in additional roles: Timberlane PTO co-president, member of the lay leadership at St. Matthew’s Church, and parent of four very active children. Through seemingly endless science fairs, choir concerts, soccer games, and service outings, Debbie is a stalwart presence of support—not only celebrating the achievements of her own children, but also hailing the triumphs of all of the community’s children, savoring their unique abilities and contributions. It is that ability to embrace a “we mindset,” more than a “me mindset” that truly differentiates Debbie as a leader and community member.

I urge you to give Debbie your every consideration in her desire to serve the Hopewell community. We will be so fortunate to harness the energy, ideas, and commitment of this outstanding person, neighbor, mother, and community member.

Katherine Doyle
