Local Republican endorses Democrat Julie Blake

To the editor:

As a registered Republican, I am writing to endorse the Democrat – Julie Blake – for the Hopewell Township Committee. Julie’s supporters describe her as being a good listener and a warm and compassionate public servant. That is true. But she is also a woman of action. As our deputy mayor, she makes things happen for constituents across the township.

In May, I contacted Julie about a very dangerous road in my neighborhood. This narrow, twisty road has a drainage ravine on both sides. As the years went by, the ravine got deeper and deeper. Any car or school bus that edged too far to the side risked falling into the ravine.

As our children began to drive, a group of mothers and I began to worry about their trips back and forth to school. We contacted Julie, and she arranged to visit the area with the township engineer. They heard our concerns and understood how dangerous the ravines could be.

Julie told me that, after the many damaging storms last spring, the change would have to wait until the brush pick up was done. I appreciated her honesty. When the road crew filled the ravine with gravel this summer, the other parents and I were very pleased. Rain water continues to drain, but drivers are safer.

Julie finds workable, reasonable solutions for people throughout the township. That’s what I expect in a township committee member. I hope you will join this registered Republican in voting for Julie Blake on November 6.

Deborah Zeller
