Reader supports Ciak for re-election to Sayreville Board of Education

On Nov. 6, voters in Sayreville have a wide array of candidates from which to choose to represent them as members of the Sayreville Public Schools Board of Education. I encourage residents to join me in supporting Kevin Ciak for re-election to the board.

I first met Mr. Ciak as a student when I interviewed as a potential delegate for the American Legion Jersey Boys State program, which provides a hands-on experience for high school juniors across the state through the opportunity to form a working government of a mythical 51st state.

In fact, Mr. Ciak is an alumnus of that very program and it was that program which resulted in him initially running for the school board. Since that time, Kevin has not only served on our Board of Education, but has also become one of only two school board members in our state’s entire history to serve as president of the National School Boards Association.

He has visited public schools not only across our country, but also in Finland, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, and has studied Finland’s teacher preparation programs at the University of Helsinki.

While he is a nationally recognized educational leader, from a student’s perspective he was just always there whether it be a football game, National Honor Society induction, graduation or senior awards night. Our elected student representatives to the board always felt comfortable calling him with concerns and sharing their ideas, knowing they would be taken seriously.

Sayreville students need a school board member with whom they know they can always share ideas and one with the experience to take Sayreville’s educational program to the next level. Please join me in voting for Kevin Ciak on Nov. 6.

Kory Hatton